All good things come to an end ( and other things)
All good things come to an end, wherever it may be simple things like a concert that you don't want to end, or the things that matter the most to you, friendships and relationships, people.
I've been realising a lot of these things lately, the past year, how no matter how much you don't want these things to leave your life, it will eventually. It can happen out of the blue, or just that it will gradually fade out of your life and you don't realise until later. You question a lot about why it had to end, and sometimes these questions won't be answered.
It's sad, but we all have to move on, and to try find something else to replace that thing. Maybe one day, it will come back to you when you least expect it and that's a good thing. Sometimes, that has happened to me, such as a friendship that I didn't think would come back in my life, after many years. Our friendship is flawed but it is always good to have someone that understands you and knows where you are coming from just as I am to them. I'm not sure what's going to happen, but I know at some point it will be okay. Things may fade out of time, but I had good memories.
I feel sad right now and tired but eventually something else will come in to my life and will bring an impact in my life just as the previous thing. There will be a day when I can say I'm finally okay with my life but for now, I'll keep striving towards my goals and persevere no matter how hard it gets.
Learning to be patient.
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